
Here at American Holidays, we believe in the transformative power of travel.
We believe travel builds perspective, understanding, education and can empower communities and individuals alike.

We have set out sustainable standards we strive to live by and work with others who are committed to sustainability and responsible travel practices. We recognize cross-sector collaboration is vital and support global initiatives across the travel, hospitality, and transport sectors to reduce the environmental impact.

We are embedding a range of global minimum sustainability standards that include ethical treatment of animals, green offices, reduction of single-use plastic and waste to landfill, safe and fair labour conditions, and the ethical and sustainable contracting of accommodation.

Taking climate action by supporting healthy oceans

As part of our commitment to climate and nature action, we’ve joined our sister companies across the Travelopia Group* to partner with Blue Marine Foundation. ​

Our objective is to help conserve the stunning coastlines and marine life that enrich your holidays and restore ocean ecosystems that are vital in tackling climate change.​

Together with our sister travel companies, we intend to donate at least £1 million over the next 3 years, with an aim to support the conservation and restoration of 7,000 hectares of vital marine ecosystems through seven global projects.​

From the Mediterranean to the Caribbean, Kenya to Indonesia, these protected “blue carbon ecosystems” have the potential to remove and store thousands of tonnes of carbon every year. They will also help protect a rich diversity of coastal and underwater wildlife, including endangered species. ​

Our support will also enable the training and employment of local communities in marine conservation, helping ensure these beautiful places are preserved for generations.​

*American Holidays is a member of the Travelopia group of travel companies which has come together to partner with Blue Marine Foundation

Impact so far

Since the start of our partnership, a lot has already been achieved through the 7 global blue carbon projects we support:
In Greece…
167 marine species identified off Corfu, 15 of them protected
621,000 m2 of seagrass meadows and five distinct marine habitats mapped
In Formentera…
Seagrass restoration plan developed for one of the world’s oldest ecosystems
Pioneering trial underway, to plant 300 seagrass seedlings on rocky surfaces
In Kenya…
12,000 mangroves planted in Mida Creek
In The Caribbean…
Propagation of ‘native plant nursery’ of mangrove species, ready for planting out later in year
Mangrove channel restoration underway
In Indonesia…
27 hectares earmarked for habitat restoration
45 local community members trained in mangrove restoration
In The Philippines…
8,000 mangrove saplings potted for planting out this Spring
In The Maldives…
Critical mangrove loss research undertaken, to assist development of national restoration projects